



モーニング・ツーで連載中の「おねいも」 webで試し読みしてみたらこれが面白かった 夏だし姉も妹もちょっと裸族だけどなんかゆるい雰囲気で面白い日常系だった(笑) おねいも / 詩原ヒロ - モーニング公式サイト - モアイ 三人娘は笑うて暮らすとか、スト…

High school maid girl makes happenings in her town. "And Yet the Town Moves"(Soredemo Machiwa Mawatteiru)

The main character (Hotori Arashiyama) is high school student. She works as a part time job wearing maid costume but the place is japanese traditional cafe. The setting is already comedic, and story is also that. You may like this comic if…

Manga named "The Seven Deadly Sins (Nanatsu no Taizai)" which is fantastic!

"Nanatsu no Taizai" is japanese fantasy manga. It's exciting, fantastic and very wonderful! You must like and be sympathetic this manga if you like "Attack on Taitan", "Fairy Tale", "Dragon Ball". The main character "Meriodas" is the reade…

Kindle Paperwhiteにカバーは必要かどうか。アマゾンの神対応。 | リブリラ ほか

今日のひとこと時代はKindleかなやはり・・・今日のはてブKindle Paperwhiteにカバーは必要かどうか。アマゾンの神対応。 | リブリラこれまじか神対応すぎる、やっぱり端末はKindleがいいのかな即日配達ECは激戦へ…最短1時間で生鮮食品が届く「Instacart」を…