


勘定は店員を呼ばずにアプリで!  「Flypay」がロンドンでサービス開始 | Techable ほか

今日のはてブ勘定は店員を呼ばずにアプリで! 「Flypay」がロンドンでサービス開始 | Techableこれは便利やなー、話しかけるの気使う人や躊躇する人そもそも黙っていたい人にいいし、イギリスの人もそういうニーズあるんだなー【驚愕】レースの模様作りの神に…

Manga ”Kasane" How do you think and do if you change your face more beautiful?

"Kasane" is by Daruma Matsuura. This Manga must be one of the most impactful comic in 2014. A heroine whose name is Kasane, she is so ugly and she get builled because of her looking...she envy beautiful faces so much around her. However, s…