

Very useful website to know the stroke order of Kanji (Chinese character).

How do you learn how to write japanese Kanji letter?

I found very useful website for the stroke order of Kanji↓

http://kakijun.jp/ (for web browser )

http://kakijun.jp/m-s/ (for smartphone)


I'm going to introduce how to use this web site

For Web Browser

1. paste a Kanji which you want to know 

There is a small bar on the upper left of web site(red circle in under the picture)

Enter or paste here a Kanji you want to know how to write




For example, I paste the letter "木 (tree)"



2. click the search button on the right of the bar



3. After that, an animation of the stroke order starts with new page



It is very easy and useful!


For smartphone

It is almost similar with for web browser.



Paste a Kanji into the bar. After that, touch the search button ("検索").

The animation of the stroke order begins.


It helps you great!


Learn How To Speak Japanese 日本

Learn How To Speak Japanese 日本